Friday 14 January 2011

Flash Particles


Particles are part of the many interesting effects we can create in Flash. it has a number of native features to allow for 3D transformation and projection. You’ll find that this is a combination of using the Vector, Vector3D, Matrix3D, PerspectiveProjection, etc.

Sure you would like a realistic candle flame, or explosion, or smoke. but certainly this will take you a lot of time, there are some components like Partigen (i think this is some kind of Particle Illution variation) that help us to save time.

In my opinion particles scratch are the most effective, they have been made for an specific purpose and of course adapted to your project, so put your hands on work, refresh your math lessons and create some new brand effect.

Here is a very simple tutorial, it could help you with basic skills
Simple Particle Effect
Copyright 2009 Massive