Monday 30 January 2012

Responsive Web Design / Development


Responsive web design has become viral on the web design scene on the last few months; many bloggers have shown their points of view related to the concept of developing a website design in a manner that helps lay out dimensions to get changed according to the user’s computer screen resolution.  Is commonly thought of as a design trend, but if we approach a different side of this coin, it allows the developer to create a site that is optimized for each platform, both in navigation, readability and load time.

Responsive web designing is a fully diverse designing version than the traditional web designing, With access to the Internet available on more than hundred  devices, the screen sizes on which people are experiencing websites have become extremely varied, as more and more devices are being released and browsers are adding more capabilities for CSS, and in particular the @media queries in CSS3. Developers must know about the pros and cons of responsive web designing and produce specifically targeted experience to your website visitors without having to maintain multiple websites for all devices.
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